バトラー郡へのトランプ元大統領の訪問は 混乱,分裂,財政的負担を懸念しています Former President Trump's potential visit to Butler County raises concerns over chaos, division, and financial burdens.
バトラー郡へのトランプ大統領の 選挙訪問が懸念され 混乱や分裂や財政的負担を 地域住民は懸念しています Concern is mounting over former President Trump's potential campaign visit to Butler County, with community members fearing chaos, division, and financial burdens. 郡は,別の分裂集会に準備ができていないと感じているので,費用と資源に関する懸念を強調しています. The article highlights apprehensions regarding costs and resources, as the county feels unprepared for another divisive rally. 過去の訪問は不穏な事態をもたらし,トランプの発言の信頼性や,十分な支援や契約なしに,コミュニティが影響を管理する能力についての疑問を投げかけました. Previous visits have led to unrest, prompting questions about the credibility of Trump's comments and the community's ability to manage the impact without adequate support or contracts in place.