ナイジェリアの食料価格が急上昇し,ブーンビーンはインフレ,天候,サプライチェーンの問題により271.5%上昇し,食料安全保障の懸念が高まっています. Nigeria's food prices surge, with brown beans up 271.55%, due to inflation, weather, and supply chain issues, raising food security concerns.
2024年8月,ナイジェリア国家統計局は,茶豆が1kg当たり271.55%上昇し,食品価格が大幅に上昇したと報告した. In August 2024, Nigeria's National Bureau of Statistics reported significant food price increases, with brown beans rising 271.55% year-on-year to ₦2,574.63 per kg. 卵の大きさは121.92%増加しました Medium-sized eggs increased by 121.92%. 切断されたパンや地元の米など,他の商品も大幅な上昇を記録した. Other items, including sliced bread and local rice, also saw substantial hikes. インフレ,悪天候,サプライチェーンの障害などの要因がこれらの増加に寄与し,国内における食糧安全保障に関する懸念を高めた. Factors such as inflation, adverse weather, and supply chain disruptions contributed to these increases, raising concerns about food security in the country.