テロ関連で処刑された女性を含む21人がイラクで処刑され,過去数年で最高となった. 21 individuals, including a woman, were executed in Iraq for terrorism-related charges, marking the highest number in years.
イラクはテロ関連で女性を含む21人を処刑しました これは数年にわたり,一日で最高の人数を処刑したことです Iraq executed 21 individuals, including a woman, for terrorism-related charges, marking the highest number of executions in a single day in years. 処刑はナシリアのアル・フート刑務所で行われ,すべての囚人はイラク国民でした. The hangings occurred in Al-Hut prison in Nassiriya, with all convicts being Iraqi nationals. 人権団体や国連は 迅速な裁判プロセスを批判し イラクの刑務所内の大量処刑に懸念を表明しています Human rights groups and the United Nations have criticized the rapid trial processes and expressed concern over the mass executions within Iraq's prison system.