ヘンリー郡のリチャード・スミスは 銃弾の脅迫,銃撃,誘拐未遂の 家庭内事件で逮捕されました 複数の罪状に直面し 保証金なしで拘束されています Henry County man Richard Smith arrested after domestic incident involving firearm threats, shooting, and abduction attempt; faces multiple charges and is held without bond.
ジョージ・ジョン・スミスは9月18日にヘンリー郡で逮捕され,妻と義理の兄を銃で脅し,銃撃し,妻の携帯電話を要求した. Richard John Smith was arrested in Henry County following a domestic incident on September 18, where he allegedly threatened his wife and brother-in-law with a gun, fired shots, and demanded his wife's phone. 30分ほどで 被害者は逃亡し 警察に連絡しました After about 30 minutes, the victims escaped and notified law enforcement. スミスは誘拐と銃器犯罪を含む 複数の罪に問われ ヘンリー郡の成人拘置所に 拘束されています Smith faces multiple charges, including abduction and firearm offenses, and is held without bond at the Henry County Adult Detention Center. 捜査は続いています The investigation continues.