8月13日、カルガリー警察、ALERT、RCMPは、5丁の拳銃、$500k+の薬物、$509kの現金を押収し、Huan Caoを複数の犯罪で起訴しました。 13 Aug, Calgary police, ALERT, RCMP seized 5 handguns, $500k+ drugs, $509k cash, charged Huan Cao with multiple offences.
8月13日,カルガリー警察はALERTとRCMPと共に捜索を行い,5つの手銃,50万ドル以上の麻薬 (コカインとメタフェタミンを含む) と約50万9000ドルの現金を押収した. On August 13, Calgary police, along with ALERT and the RCMP, conducted a search operation that resulted in the seizure of five handguns, over $500,000 in drugs (including cocaine and methamphetamine), and approximately $509,000 in cash. 銃が盗まれたと報告され もう"つのシリアル番号が 変形した One firearm was reported stolen, and another had its serial number defaced. 28歳のフアン・カオは 複数の罪で起訴されています Huan Cao, 28, faces several charges. ALERTは銃を分析し 麻薬の疑いのある方は 報告してください ALERT is analyzing the firearms, and the public is urged to report suspected drug activity.