ジンバブエのティナシェ・マワレ (Tinashe Mawere) は,5月の喧嘩で男性を刺して殺害した罪で23年の懲役刑を宣告された. 23-year-old Tinashe Mawere from Zimbabwe is sentenced to 23 years in prison for fatally stabbing a man during a fight in May.
津巴布韦のシュルグウィ出身の23歳のティナシェ・ディコール・マワレは,昨年5月にタオナ・ボトル・ストアでの喧嘩で25歳の男を殺害した罪で23年の懲役刑を宣告されました. Tinashe Dycool Mawere, a 23-year-old from Shurugwi, Zimbabwe, was sentenced to 23 years in prison for the murder of a 25-year-old man during a fight at Taona bottle store in May last year. 争いは口論として始まり,暴力に発展し,マワレはオカピナイフで被害者を複数回刺した. The altercation began as a quarrel and escalated to violence, resulting in Mawere stabbing the victim multiple times with an okapi knife. 被害者は病院に到着した直後に負傷により死亡しました ジンバブエの検察当局が確認した通りです The victim succumbed to his injuries upon reaching the hospital, as confirmed by the National Prosecuting Authority of Zimbabwe.