熱帯暴風雨デビーがマナティー郡を浸水させた。ハリケーン・ヘレンの接近に伴い、ダムの修理が完了しました。 Tropical Storm Debby flooded Manatee County; dam repairs completed as Hurricane Helene approaches.
熱帯嵐デビーはマナティ郡で大きな洪水を引き起こし,自宅で1.5フィートの水を経験した高齢夫婦を含む多くの住民に影響を与えました. Tropical Storm Debby caused significant flooding in Manatee County, impacting many residents, including an elderly couple who experienced 1.5 feet of water in their home. 嵐の接近に伴い, 住民は準備を促されています. As another storm, potentially Hurricane Helene, approaches, officials are urging residents to prepare. マナティ郡はダム修復を完了し 砂袋の配給場所を設置し 住民はさらなる洪水から身を守るための物資を蓄積しています Manatee County has completed dam repairs and set up sandbag distribution sites, while residents stock up on supplies to protect against further flooding.