オレイサ警察署のグレッグ・リチャードソン巡査部長が突然亡くなりました。原因不明。 Sergeant Greg Richardson of Olathe Police Department unexpectedly passed away; cause unknown.
オラテ警察署の グレッグ・リチャードソン警官が 週末に突然 亡くなったと 月曜日に発表されました Sergeant Greg Richardson of the Olathe Police Department passed away unexpectedly over the weekend, as announced by the department on Monday. 1997年から勤務し,彼は軍曹に昇進するまで,様々な役割で貴重なメンバーでした. Serving since 1997, he was a valued member in various roles until his promotion to sergeant. 死因は不明だが 元同僚は 悲劇的な事故に巻き込まれたと The cause of death remains undisclosed, but a former colleague noted he was involved in a tragic accident. 省と地域は彼の死を悼んで リチャードソン家族のために祈りを請い願っています The department and community are mourning his loss and have requested prayers for the Richardson family.