乗客がコトカ空港で 煙のついた荷物で 拘束され,避難と調査が続きます. Passenger detained at Kotoka Airport due to smoky luggage, evacuation and investigation follow.
2024年9月22日,ガナのコトカ国際空港で乗客が,荷物が出発ホールで煙を放出したために拘束されました. On September 22, 2024, a passenger was detained at Kotoka International Airport in Ghana after their luggage emitted smoke in the Departure Hall. 乗客は避難し,荷物は隔離された. Passengers were evacuated, and the luggage was isolated. ガーナ空港会社 (GACL) は,その人を国家捜査局に尋問するために送った. The Ghana Airports Company Limited (GACL) referred the individual to the National Investigations Bureau for questioning. GACLは,乗客の安全性を強調し,国際民間航空規則の違反を理由に,荷物の中にバッテリーを持って旅行することを警告した. GACL warned against traveling with batteries in luggage, citing violations of International Civil Aviation Regulations, emphasizing passenger safety.