マレーシア 控訴裁判所は,生徒を性的暴行した罪で有罪となった元教師の7年の懲役と鞭打ちを 支持した. Malaysian Court of Appeal upholds 7-year prison sentence and caning for former teacher convicted of sexually assaulting students.
マレーシアの控訴裁判所は,女子生徒2人を性的に虐待した罪で有罪となった元教師のトゥアン・センボク・トゥアン・プテに7年の懲役と一回の鞭打ちを宣告しました. The Court of Appeal in Malaysia confirmed a seven-year prison sentence and one stroke of the cane for former teacher Tuan Sembok Tuan Puteh, convicted of sexually assaulting two female students. 裁判所は2022年11月より有効な判決を適切と判断した. The court deemed the sentence, effective from November 2022, appropriate. この事件は,前任教師が10歳の少年を襲った罪で9年の懲役と2回の鞭打ちを受けた別の判決に続くものです. This case follows another ruling where a former teacher received a nine-year sentence and two strokes for assaulting a 10-year-old boy.