ボリウッド女優のタヌジャは81歳の誕生日を娘のカジョルとタニシャと祝いました. Bollywood actress Tanuja celebrated her 81st birthday with daughters Kajol and Tanishaa, who praised her as a strong single mother.
9月23日,女優のタヌジャは娘のカジョルとタニシャア・ムケージーと81歳の誕生日を祝った. On September 23, Bollywood actress Tanuja celebrated her 81st birthday with daughters Kajol and Tanishaa Mukerji. カジョルはインスタグラムに ケーキと一緒に過ごした時の写真を投稿しました Kajol shared a heartfelt Instagram post featuring a customized cake and photos of their time together. 姉妹は母が独身の母親として強い影響と育児スタイルを称賛し,母が彼らに植えつけた価値観を強調しました. The sisters praised their mother for her strong influence and parenting style as a single mother, highlighting the values she instilled in them. タンジャはインド映画への重要な貢献で知られており,多くの業界友達が誕生日の祝いを述べました. Tanuja is known for her significant contributions to Indian cinema, and many industry friends expressed their birthday wishes.