6人のウクライナ兵が8月に死んだ. ウェールズから寄付された車がロシアの砲撃で撃たれた. 6 Ukrainian soldiers killed in August when a Welsh-donated vehicle was hit by Russian artillery.
ウェールズ人鉱夫が寄付した車がロシアの砲撃で撃たれたことで,鉱夫を含む6人のウクライナ兵が8月に殺された. Six Ukrainian soldiers, including miners, were killed in August when a vehicle donated by Welsh miners was hit by Russian artillery. このSUVは 2月の救援車隊の一部で ウェールズとウクライナの鉱夫の間の歴史的なつながりを記したものです This SUV was part of a February aid convoy, marking a historical connection between Welsh and Ukrainian miners. 鉱山労働組合は2022年に紛争が始まって以来25台の車両を寄付し,10月に別の車列を計画しています. The National Union of Mineworkers has donated 25 vehicles since the conflict began in 2022, with plans for another convoy in October. ウクライナの兵士はイギリス軍から受けた支援に感謝しています Ukrainian soldiers have expressed gratitude for the support received from their British counterparts.