サンディエゴ郡のラテン系と非ラテン系人の富の格差は2万8千ドルだ San Diego Foundation report reveals a $28,000 wealth gap between Latinos and non-Latinos in San Diego County.
サンディエゴ郡の ラテン系と非ラテン系の人々の 富の格差が顕著に示されています A recent report by the San Diego Foundation highlights a significant wealth gap between Latinos and non-Latinos in San Diego County. ラテン系は人口の35%を占め,平均収入は3万9千ドルで,白人より2万8千ドルも少ない. Latinos, who constitute 35% of the population, have a median income of $39,000, $28,000 less than their white counterparts. 言語の障壁や 資源へのアクセス制限が 原因です Contributing factors include language barriers and limited access to resources. 報告書は,広報の強化,ラテン系イニシアチブへの資金提供,長期的な繁栄を促進する経済機会へのアクセスを改善することを求める. The report calls for enhanced outreach, funding for Latino initiatives, and improved access to economic opportunities to foster long-term prosperity.