21歳の母親は, 6週間の息子の死後, 一級殺人と児童虐待で起訴されました. 5歳の子供も負傷しました. 21-year-old mother charged with first-degree murder and child abuse after 6-week-old son's death; 5-year-old child also injured.
北カロライナ州ワシントン出身の 21歳の母親 ブリアシア・ソマーヴィルは 6週間の息子の死で 殺人罪と児童虐待罪で 起訴されました Briasia Somerville, a 21-year-old mother from Washington, North Carolina, has been charged with first-degree murder and felony child abuse following the death of her 6-week-old son. 9月2日に当局が 疑わしい死について 警報を受け 検死の結果 虐待による傷が確認されました Authorities were alerted to the suspicious death on September 2, and an autopsy indicated injuries consistent with abuse. ソマーヴィルはまた 5歳の子供に 傷を負わせたことで 児童虐待の重罪で 起訴されています Somerville is also charged with felony child abuse related to injuries sustained by her 5-year-old child. 彼女は現在、ビューフォート郡拘置所に保釈金なしで拘禁されています。 She is currently held without bond at Beaufort County Detention Center.