1MDBの調査は ナイジブ氏の不正使用が 不十分なと判断され 弁護人は偏った. 1MDB investigation into Najib's alleged misappropriation was deemed inadequate and biased by his defense lawyer.
首相の弁護人ワン・アズワン・アイマン・ワン・ファフルディンは,1MDBから228億ルンマを不正に利用した容疑の捜査は不適切で偏ったものだと主張した. Datuk Seri Najib Razak's defense lawyer, Wan Azwan Aiman Wan Fakhruddin, argued that the investigation into Najib's alleged misappropriation of RM2.28 billion from 1MDB was inadequate and biased. 彼は,マレーシア反汚職委員会 (MACC) がナジブを起訴したのは,彼の証言を完全に記録する前に,この急進的な手続きが事件の完全性を損なうことと,ナジブが公正な裁判を受ける権利を侵害したことを示唆したと主張した. He claimed that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) charged Najib before fully recording his statement, suggesting that this rushed process compromised the integrity of the case and violated Najib's right to a fair trial.