9月17日にイギリス・ウースターシャーとタンワースで 2つの別々の致命的な自動車事故が起こった. 2 separate fatal car incidents occurred in Worcestershire and Tamworth, UK on September 17.
9月17日,イギリスで2つの別々の事故が死亡者を出した. On September 17, two separate incidents in the UK resulted in fatalities. ウォルスターシャーでは,B4204の車禍で,女性が現場で死亡し,男性が重傷を負って,病院に運ばれました. In Worcestershire, a woman died at the scene of a car crash on the B4204, while a man was seriously injured and airlifted to a hospital. タムワースでは 88歳の女性が 車の足下に閉じ込められて 死んだと発表されました In Tamworth, an 88-year-old woman was pronounced dead after becoming trapped under her car in her driveway. 救急隊は両件に対応し 捜査は続いています Emergency services responded to both situations, and investigations are ongoing in each case.