2024年第2四半期には,ミネソタの輸出は17%増加し71億米ドルとなり,カナダ,メキシコ,中東の成長に支えられて,国内5%を上回った. In Q2 2024, Minnesota's exports increased 17% to $7.1bn, outpacing the national 5%, driven by Canada, Mexico, and Middle East growth.
ミネソタ州の輸出は2024年第2四半期に17%増加し,合計71億米ドルとなり,全国的な成長率5%を上回った. Minnesota's exports surged 17% in Q2 2024, totaling $7.1 billion, outpacing the national growth rate of 5%. 輸出は40%増加した. Key markets included Canada and Mexico, with exports increasing by 40%. 輸出は2024年上半期に9%増加した. Overall, exports rose 9% in the first half of 2024. 中東の成長率は72%に達し,オーストラリアは州第10位の市場となりました. Growth in the Middle East reached 72%, while Australia became the state's 10th largest market. ティム・ウォルツ知事は 労働力投資と国際パートナーシップが この成功の功績だと述べています Governor Tim Walz credited workforce investments and international partnerships for this success.