28歳の男性が 飲酒と薬物運転で 逮捕され,ブリスベンで重度の事故を起こし 5人が負傷した 28-year-old man charged with drink and drug driving, causing severe crash in Brisbane, injuring 5.
28歳の男性が,ブリズベンの6月8日の重度の事故で,命に関わる負傷を5人に引き起こすことで,飲酒と薬物による運転で起訴されました. A 28-year-old man has been charged with drink and drug driving following a severe crash in Brisbane on June 8, which resulted in five people sustaining life-threatening injuries. 事故は彼のメルセデス・ベンツとトヨタ・ランドクルーザーで 52歳の女性が運転していたが 重傷を負った. The collision involved his Mercedes-Benz and a Toyota LandCruiser, driven by a 52-year-old woman who also suffered serious injuries. 彼は、重傷を負わせる車両の危険な運転、低範囲飲酒運転、および薬物関連の犯罪の罪に直面しており、10月9日に法廷に出廷する予定です。 He faces charges of dangerous operation of a vehicle causing grievous bodily harm, low-range drink driving, and drug-related offenses, and is set to appear in court on October 9.