8月には,ネフロス,インクが四半期損失を報告し,ショート利息の増加, 0.7%の株価の減少につながった. In August, Nephros, Inc. reported a quarterly loss and increased short interest, leading to a 0.7% stock price decline.
8月には、Nephros, Inc.(NASDAQ:NEPH)の空売り残高が119%増加して4,600株になりました。 In August, short interest in Nephros, Inc. (NASDAQ: NEPH) rose by 119% to 4,600 shares. 同社は,3.25億ドルの収益で,アナリストの予想を上回らず,四半期に1株当たり0.03ドルの損失を報告した. The company reported a quarterly loss of $0.03 per share, falling short of analysts' expectations, with revenue at $3.25 million. 超濾過製品を含む医療用水溶液に重点を置いています Nephros focuses on water solutions for healthcare, including ultrafiltration products. 株価は0.7%減で1.86ドルとなり, 機関投資家は41.1%の株を保有している. Its stock price declined by 0.7% to $1.86, while institutional investors hold 41.1% of the shares.