18歳のワッフルハウス従業員が 顧客に撃たれて死亡 容疑者は逃亡中 警察が捜査中 18-year-old Waffle House employee fatally shot by customer; suspect at large, police investigating.
ウェッフルハウスで働く 18歳の従業員が 顧客に銃撃され 容疑者は現在 逃亡中だと 警察は報告した An 18-year-old Waffle House employee was fatally shot by a customer, with the suspect currently at large, according to police reports. 公共の場での暴力に関する懸念が 浮き彫りにされています The incident highlights ongoing concerns about violence in public spaces. 捜査は進行中です 銃撃犯の居場所を特定するために Authorities are investigating the case and seeking information from the public to locate the shooter.