トランプは政治生涯を通じて一貫して虚偽を用いていました. Trump consistently used falsehoods throughout his political career, including the birther controversy and debate claims.
この記事は,トランプ氏が政治生涯を通じて偽りを用いたことを検証し,バースター論争に関する彼の主張と彼の議論のパフォーマンスを強調しています. The article examines Donald Trump's persistent use of falsehoods throughout his political career, highlighting his claims regarding the birther controversy and his debate performances. 投票結果が違っているにもかかわらず トランプはジョー・バイデンとカマラ・ハリスとの対決で勝ったと主張した. Despite polls showing otherwise, Trump asserted he won both debates against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. 批判を過大化し無視する傾向は 支持者の間で彼の魅力に欠かせないものとなり, 支持者は事実に基づかないにもかかわらず 彼の発言をしばしば受け入れています. His tendency to exaggerate and dismiss criticism has become integral to his appeal among supporters, who often accept his statements despite their lack of factual basis.