ロシアは 緩やかな成長,高いインフレ,軍事支出と制裁による労働力不足に 直面している. Russia faces stagflation with slow growth, high inflation, and labor shortages due to military spending and sanctions.
ロシアは,経済成長の鈍化と高インフレで特徴づけられる, スタグインフレのシナリオに直面しており,8月には9%を超えました. Russia is confronting a potential stagflation scenario, marked by slow economic growth and high inflation, which reached over 9% in August. ウクライナ侵攻以来,軍事費の増加に伴う労働力不足とコストの上昇を中央銀行が指摘しています. The Central Bank has noted labor shortages and rising costs linked to increased military spending since the Ukraine invasion. 分析者は,欧米の制裁や労働力の減少など,長期的課題が,経済安定と成長を妨げると警告しています. While Moscow has managed to sustain its military efforts, analysts warn that long-term challenges, including Western sanctions and a shrinking workforce, could hinder economic stability and growth.