グジャラットのブペンドラ・パテル州長は 統治,技術,社会経済発展の進展を主導し,重要な政策を導入し,G20会議を主催しました. Gujarat's Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel led advancements in governance, tech, and socio-economic development, introducing key policies and hosting G20 meetings.
グジャラットの総理大臣として3年間,ブペンドラ・パテル氏は,統治,技術,社会経済発展の分野で顕著な進歩を遂げました. In his three years as Gujarat's Chief Minister, Bhupendra Patel has driven notable advancements in governance, technology, and socio-economic development. バイオテクノロジーと再生可能エネルギーに 焦点を当てた政策を含む 11の主要な政策を導入した. His administration introduced 11 key policies, including those focused on biotechnology and renewable energy. グジャラットはG20会議とバイブラント・グジャラト・グローバル・サミットを開催し",Developed Gujarat@2047"のロードマップを起草した最初の州となりました. Gujarat hosted G20 meetings and the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit, and became the first state to draft a roadmap for "Developed Gujarat@2047." 持続可能な開発目標指数でも 州は優秀でした 特に健康と福祉の面で The state also excelled in the Sustainable Development Goals Index, particularly in health and well-being.