ヨルダンとUAEは2030年までに鉱山とアカバを結ぶ23億ドルの鉄道開発契約に署名しました. Jordan and the UAE sign $2.3bn railway deal for development, linking mines to Aqaba by 2030.
ヨルダンとUAEは,ヨルダンの鉱山地帯とアカバ港を結ぶ鉄道開発に合計23億ドル相当の4つの投資協定に署名しました. Jordan and the UAE have signed four investment agreements totaling $2.3 billion to develop a railway connecting Jordan's mining areas to the port city of Aqaba. このイニシアチブは2023年までに完成する目標の50億ドルの投資パッケージの一部です This initiative is part of a broader $5.5 billion investment package aimed for completion by 2023. 2030年までに運行開始される予定で,ヨルダンのリン酸塩とポタシウム輸出能力を高め,雇用を創出し,経済成長を促進します. Expected to be operational by 2030, the railway will enhance Jordan's export capabilities for phosphate and potash, while creating jobs and boosting economic growth.