EACCはケリチョ郡の公有地4億ケールの違法な取得を調査しています. EACC investigates alleged illegal acquisition of KES 400 million public land in Kericho County.
倫理と反腐敗委員会 (EACC) は,ケリチョ郡の6つの公共土地の違法な取得を調査しています. The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) is investigating the alleged illegal acquisition of six public land parcels in Kericho County, valued at approximately KES 400 million, formerly owned by the Kenya Wildlife Service. EACCは土地を回収し 汚職問題や 地方官僚の利益の衝突を 解決しようとしています The EACC seeks to recover the land and address broader corruption issues, including embezzlement and conflicts of interest among county officials. 土地の取り上げは 法律上の問題を回避するために 返還するよう求められています The public is urged to return any grabbed land to avoid legal consequences.