末期がんに罹患していた69歳のニール・ダグラスは ローズアイランド州クランストンで 警察との衝突で 自殺しました 家庭内暴力の際に 銃撃した結果です 69-year-old Neil Douglas with terminal cancer died by suicide during a standoff with police in Cranston, Rhode Island, after firing shots during a domestic disturbance.
末期がんを患っていた69歳のニール・ダグラスは ロードアイランド州クランストンで 警察との衝突で自殺した. Neil Douglas, a 69-year-old with terminal cancer, died by suicide following a standoff with police in Cranston, Rhode Island. 彼は最初に妻と警察官を 銃撃した He initially fired shots at his wife and responding officers during a domestic disturbance. 長い交渉と近くの家を避難した後 警察は住居に入り 自傷による銃撃で死亡しました After a lengthy negotiation and evacuation of nearby homes, police entered the residence and found him deceased from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. 幸いにも,この事件で,警察官や民間人は怪我をしていません. Fortunately, no officers or civilians were injured in the incident.