24歳の男 逮捕 ブライトンで 運転違反 自動車盗難 麻薬の供給 24-year-old man arrested in Brighton for driving offenses, vehicle theft, and drug supply.
8月29日,サセックス警察は,ライセンスのない運転,自動車盗難,販売目的で大麻を所持した24歳の男性をブライトンで逮捕した. On August 29, Sussex Police arrested a 24-year-old man in Brighton for driving without a license or insurance, vehicle theft, and possessing cannabis with intent to supply. 彼は約5,000ポンドの 大麻の90袋と 発見された. He was found with 90 bags of cannabis valued at approximately £5,000. 住所が不明の容疑者は 仮釈放で 捜査が続いています The suspect, who has no fixed address, was released on conditional bail as investigations continue. 当局は,この事件に関する情報を一般市民から求めています. Authorities are seeking information from the public regarding the incident.