複数の殺人事件に 関連した 6人の脅迫容疑者が 南アフリカのダーバンで 警察との銃撃戦で殺された 6 suspected extortionists, linked to multiple murders, were killed in a shootout with police in Durban, South Africa.
恐喝者と殺人容疑者6人が、南アフリカのダーバンで警察との銃撃戦で殺害された。 Six suspected extortionists and murderers were killed in a shootout with police in Durban, South Africa. 容疑者は最近 4人の殺害を含む複数の殺人事件と関連しており 泥棒や麻薬密売に関与していると考えられている The suspects were linked to multiple recent murders, including the execution of four men, and were believed to be involved in robberies and drug trafficking. 警官は情報に基づいて,彼らを賃貸アパートに配置した. Police, acting on intelligence, located them in a rented flat. 警官は負傷せず 3発の銃が弾道検査のために回収された No officers were injured, and three firearms were recovered for ballistic testing. 捜査は進行中です The investigation is ongoing.