35歳の囚人が モンロー郡刑務所で死亡 死亡原因は調査中 35-year-old inmate dies at Monroe County Jail, cause of death under investigation.
35歳の囚人が モンロー郡刑務所で 意識不明で発見されました A 35-year-old inmate was found unresponsive in Monroe County Jail on Saturday morning. 副官たちが心肺蘇生と ナルカンで彼を蘇生させようとしたにも関わらず 彼は死亡と宣言されました Despite attempts by deputies to revive him with CPR and Narcan, he was pronounced dead. 死因はモンロー郡検死官事務所で 捜査中です 遺族の連絡後に 遺体の身元が明らかになります The cause of death is under investigation by the Monroe County Medical Examiner's Office, and the man's identity will be disclosed after family notification. モンロー郡保安官事務所は 州当局と共に 事件の徹底的な調査を 実施しています The Monroe County Sheriff's Office, along with state authorities, is conducting a thorough investigation into the incident.