カラチのカルサズでの致命的な交通事故で飲酒運転と過失殺人で起訴された容疑者。 Suspect charged with DUI and culpable homicide in fatal traffic accident in Karsaz, Karachi.
カラチのカルサズで起きた交通事故の容疑者は、覚醒剤の影響下での運転で起訴され、彼女の血液と尿のサンプルから確認されました。 A suspect in a fatal traffic accident in Karsaz, Karachi, has been charged with driving under the influence of crystal meth, confirmed in her blood and urine samples. 事件の結果,若い女性とその父親が死亡し,もう1人が負傷しました. The incident resulted in the deaths of a young woman and her father, with another person injured. 殺人罪と 怠慢罪も Charges include culpable homicide and negligence. 麻薬対策法で新たな事件も起こされました A new case has also been filed under the Anti-Drug Act. 捜査は継続され,詳細は待っています. The investigation continues, with further details expected.