サクラメントで男を逮捕 殺人未遂と家庭内暴力で 女性は危篤状態 Man in Sacramento arrested for attempted homicide and domestic violence, leaving woman critical.
サクラメントの男性は、金曜日の夜に家庭内事件に対する警察の対応中に女性が反応がないのが発見された後、殺人未遂と家庭内暴力で逮捕されました。 A man in Sacramento was arrested for attempted homicide and domestic violence after a woman was found unresponsive during a police response to a domestic incident on Friday night. 事故はレスポンス・ロードで 23時半頃発生した The incident occurred around 11:30 p.m. on Response Road. 女性は病院に運ばれ 危篤状態で 容疑者は現場で拘束された The woman was taken to a hospital in critical condition, while the suspect, who was uncooperative with officers, was detained at the scene.