教皇フランシスコは東南アジアへの訪問を前に,世界の気候変動対策を呼びかけ,貧困層への影響と多面的な解決策の必要性を強調した. Pope Francis calls for global climate action ahead of his Southeast Asia tour, highlighting the impact on the poor and the need for multifaceted solutions.
教皇フランシスコは東南アジアでの12日間のツアーの前に,地球規模の気候変動対策を呼びかけ,自然に利益をもたらすために,個人やコミュニティが習慣を変えるよう促しています. Pope Francis calls for global climate action ahead of his 12-day tour in Southeast Asia, urging individuals and communities to change their habits for nature's benefit. ビデオメッセージで,彼は気候変動による地球を"病気"と表現し,社会,経済,政治の側面を含む多面的な行動の重要性を強調しています. In a video message, he describes the planet as "sick" due to climate change and emphasizes the importance of multifaceted actions, including social, economic, and political dimensions. 洪水や熱波や干ばつといった 気候関連の災害に最も苦しむ 貧しい人々の苦境を強調しています He emphasizes the plight of the poor who are most affected by climate-related disasters like floods, heat waves, and droughts. 教皇の訪問は 地球温暖化と 環境災害の増加と 合致しています The Pope's visit coincides with rising global temperatures and an increase in environmental and weather-related disasters.