ノースカロライナ州女性会議は 州総会で平等,正義,女性の代表の問題について 議論しています North Carolina Council for Women's conference in Raleigh addresses equity, justice, and female representation issues in state General Assembly.
ノースカロライナ州女性会議は 総会を通して 平等と正義の推進について議論しました North Carolina Council for Women's state conference in Raleigh discussed advancing equity and justice through plenary sessions. コーパー知事とホワイトハウスの役人を含む出席者は 11月の投票の重要な問題,例えば医療,賃金平等,代表,教育,教師の給料に注目した. Attendees, including Governor Cooper and a White House official, focused on critical issues on the November ballot, such as healthcare, equal pay, representation, education, and teacher pay. 女性の投票登録率が高く 強力な投票団体ができたのです Women's higher voting registration rates make them a powerful voting bloc. 会議では,州の総会で女性の代表性を高める必要性が強調されました. The conference highlighted the need for increased female representation in the state's General Assembly.