54歳の男性 パイン・リバーで死亡 警察は溺死の可能性を調査中 54-year-old man found dead in Pine River, MN; authorities investigating possible drowning.
ミネソタ州パイン川で 54歳の男性が死亡しました 溺死事件が捜査中です 54-year-old man found dead in Pine River, Minnesota; authorities investigating drowning. カス郡保安官事務所は、8月26日午後5時31分に、川で泳ぐために自宅を出た行方不明の男性の報告を受けました。 The Cass County Sheriff's Office received a report of a missing man on August 26 at 5:31 PM, who had left his residence to swim in the river. 2時間近く捜索したところ,彼の遺体は死体で回収されました. After an almost two-hour search, his body was recovered deceased. 被害者の身元は 遺族に知らせるまで 隠されている The identity of the victim is withheld until notification of next of kin. 検死室の解剖で 死因が判明します An autopsy by the Ramsey County Medical Examiner's Office is scheduled to determine the cause of death. パイン・リバー警察署 パイン・リバー消防署 カス郡保安官事務所が 捜査に携わっています The Pine River Police Department, Pine River Fire Department, and Cass County Sheriff's Office are involved in the ongoing investigation.