ケニアのMSSMミッションは ハイチで一時的な給与の遅れに直面していますが,支払いは今週中に行われます. Kenya's MSSM mission in Haiti faces temporary salary delays, but payments will be made within the week.
ケニアが率いるハイチの多国間安全保障支援ミッション (MSSM) は,その任務に参加しているケニアの警察官の給与の支払いが遅れている問題に直面しています. The Multinational Security Support Mission (MSSM) in Haiti, led by Kenya, has faced issues with delayed salary payments for Kenyan police officers participating in the mission. しかし,MSSMは支払いのプロセスが完了したため,給料が週内に役員の口座に支払われるため遅延したと説明しました. However, the MSSM has explained that the delay was due to the finalisation of payment processes and that the salaries will be paid to the officers' accounts within the week. MSSMは、国連の支援を受けて、犯罪組織の問題に直面しているハイチの安定化を支援するために設立されました。 The MSSM, supported by the United Nations, was established to help stabilize Haiti, which has been facing issues with criminal gangs. ケニアの警察はハイチ警察と協力し合い 犯罪組織に対する作戦で 重要な領域を 支配しつつ 重要な進展を遂げています 地元の港,国立病院,主要道路などです The Kenyan police officers, along with the Haitian National Police, have made significant progress in their operations against criminal gangs, taking control of key areas such as a local port, a national hospital, and a major road. このミッションは,ハイチにおける平和と安定の回復と,自由で公正な選挙の確保に向けて活動することを目的としています. The mission aims to work towards restoring peace and stability in Haiti and ensuring free and fair elections. MSSMはさらに,フランスと米国から装備と車両を入手し,ベニン,ジャマイカ,バハマ,ベリーズ,バーバドス,アンティグアとバーブダ,バングラデシュ,アルジェリア,カナダ,フランスなどの他の国から人材の支援を受けています. The MSSM has further received equipment and vehicles from France and the United States to aid their operations and has received personnel support from other countries such as Benin, Jamaica, the Bahamas, Belize, Barbados, Antigua and Barbuda, Bangladesh, Algeria, Canada, and France.