同性婚の立場をめぐって教会が分裂した中で,ジンバブエのエベン・K・ニワワティワ司教がナイジェリアで逮捕され,教会支部はタラバ州政府によって閉鎖された. Zimbabwean Bishop Eben K. Nhiwatiwa arrested in Nigeria amid church division over same-sex marriage stance; church branches closed by Taraba State government.
ユナイテッド・メソジスト教会のジンバブエ人司教エベン・K・ニワティワは、ナイジェリア支部の新しい司教の選出について話し合うためにナイジェリアを訪れた際に逮捕された。 Zimbabwean Bishop Eben K. Nhiwatiwa from the United Methodist Church was arrested in Nigeria during a visit to discuss the election of a new bishop for the Nigerian chapter. 必要な書類をすべて持っていたにもかかわらず 拘束され 教会内の内部の権力闘争に懸念を 引き起こした. He was detained despite having all necessary documents, raising concerns over internal power struggles within the church. ナイジェリアメソジスト教会は,同性婚を支持したメンバーが米国会議で参加して以来,教会が分裂しているため,逮捕に悲しみを表明し,当局に彼の即時釈放を求めた. The Nigerian Methodist Church expressed sadness at his arrest and urged authorities for his immediate release, as the church has been divided since some members supported same-sex marriage at a US conference. 州政府は,教会のメンバーの間で法と秩序の問題がさらに発生するのを防ぐために,州内の教会のすべての支部を閉鎖した. In response, the Taraba State government closed all branches of the church in the state to prevent further law and order issues among its members.