35歳のラジオ2の司会者ライラン・クラークは,8月24日の番組で言葉の難しさで困惑し,常駐プロデューサーの不在を理由にそう言った. 35-year-old Radio 2 presenter Rylan Clark struggled with words during his show on 24 August, attributing it to the absence of regular producers.
35歳のラジオ司会者ライラン・クラークは,BBCラジオ2の8月24日の番組で"少し気まずい"と感じた. 35-year-old radio presenter Rylan Clark felt "a bit off" during his BBC Radio 2 show on 24 August, as he struggled with his words. 彼は,彼の通常のプロデューサーであるロッテ・ウットリーとサリー・ボアズマンがいないことに,彼の異常なスタートを因めた. He attributed his unusual start to the absence of his regular producers, Lotte Uttley and Sally Boazman. クラークは2019年以来,番組を主催し,聴衆の土曜日の午後を楽しく,音楽で,笑わせてきました. Clark has hosted the show since 2019, providing fun, music, and laughter for listeners' Saturday afternoons.