ナイジェリアの元副大統領アティク・アブバカールは,Oando PlcがAGIPとENIのオンショア資産の買収を連邦政府が迅速に承認したことを批判した. Former Nigerian VP Atiku Abubakar criticized the federal government's accelerated approval of Oando Plc's acquisition of AGIP and ENI's onshore assets.
ナイジェリアの元副大統領アティク・アブバカールは,Oando PlcがAGIPとENIのオンショア資産の買収を連邦政府の承認を批判し,他の取引が遅延している間にOandoが加速承認を受けた理由を疑問視した. Former Nigerian VP Atiku Abubakar criticized the federal government's approval of Oando Plc's acquisition of AGIP and ENI's onshore assets, questioning why Oando received accelerated approval while other deals faced delays. アブバッカーは,政府がオンドーに優遇を与え,より有能な投資家に悪影響を及ぼしていると非難した. Abubakar accused the government of granting Oando preferential treatment, negatively impacting more competent investors. また,人権侵害と, 既得利益のために国家の石油資産を損なうことで現政権を批判した. He also criticized the current administration for alleged human rights abuses and compromising national oil assets for vested interests.