怒ったホテルの客は ウォッカを盗んだと スタッフを非難し レディットでも同様の話を 起こしました Disgruntled hotel guest accuses staff of stealing vodka, sparks similar stories on Reddit.
部屋からウォッカのボトルの4分の1が 消えたと不満のホテル客が Redditで 共有し スタッフがそれを飲んだと非難しました A disgruntled hotel guest shared on Reddit that they found a quarter of their vodka bottle missing from their room, accusing staff of drinking it. 客は荷物を鍵で閉じ 旅行中の最も非プロフェッショナルな経験だと考えました The guest had locked their luggage and considered it the most unprofessional experience during their travels. この事件により他のユーザーも ホテルのスタッフが部屋から盗んだという 似たような話をシェアしました This incident sparked other users to share similar stories of hotel staff stealing from their rooms.