21歳のメイソン・ライス ネバダ州 スパークスで逮捕 軽率な運転 レーン分割 紅灯の走行 超速 21-year-old Mason Rice arrested in Sparks, Nevada for reckless driving, including lane-splitting, red light running, and speeding.
21歳のメイソン・ライスは、車線割り、赤信号無視、スピード違反などの危険な運転習慣を1ヶ月間観察した後、ネバダ州スパークスで無謀運転で逮捕されました。 21-year-old Mason Rice was arrested in Sparks, Nevada for reckless driving after a month of observing his dangerous driving habits, including lane-splitting, running red lights, and speeding. 交通停止の試みでライスは逃亡したが,後で事故なくレノで逮捕された. During a traffic stop attempt, Rice escaped but was later apprehended in Reno without incident. 彼の無登録のバイクが証拠として押収された. His unregistered motorcycle was seized as evidence.