マレーシアの2024年第2四半期の失業率は3.3%で,雇用者は1659万人で,経済成長率は5.9%と一致しています. Malaysia's Q2 2024 unemployment rate remains at 3.3% with 16.59 million employed individuals, coinciding with a higher economic growth rate of 5.9%.
マレーシアの失業率は,労働市場レビュー第2四半期2024年によると,第2四半期2024年において3.3%で安定した. Malaysia's unemployment rate held steady at 3.3% in Q2 2024, as per the Labour Market Review Q2 2024. 雇用者数は2.8%増加して16590万人となり,失業者数は4.1%減少して557800人となった. The number of employed individuals increased by 2.8% to 16.59 million, while the number of unemployed decreased by 4.1% to 557,800. この安定は,家庭の支出,労働市場の強さ,輸出拡大による労働需要の増加によって,5.9%の経済成長率と一致しています. This stability coincides with a higher economic growth rate of 5.9%, driven by increased labor demand due to household spending, labor market strength, and expanding exports. 労働生産性は3.1%増加し,労働時間の合計は同じ期間で3.4%増加した. Labor productivity rose by 3.1%, while total hours worked increased by 3.4% during the same period.