マレーシアの歌手ヤシン・スライマンは麻薬犯罪で終身刑と16回の杖打刑を宣告され,当初無罪判決の代わりとなった. Malaysian singer Yasin Sulaiman was sentenced to life imprisonment and 16 cane strokes for drug offenses, replacing an initial acquittal.
マレーシアのナシド歌手で作曲家のヤシン・スレイマンは、シャー・アラム高等裁判所が彼に3つの薬物犯罪で有罪判決を下した後、終身刑と16回の杖打ちを受けた。 Malaysian Nasyid singer and composer Yasin Sulaiman received a life sentence and 16 strokes of the cane after the Shah Alam High Court convicted him of three drug offenses. 彼の判決はペタリングジャヤ裁判裁判所の無罪判決の代わりとなり,彼は当初無罪と認められた. His sentence replaced an acquittal from the Petaling Jaya Sessions Court, where he was initially found not guilty. ヤシンは麻薬所持,大麻栽培,自己投与の罪で 起訴されました Yasin was charged with drug possession, cultivating cannabis plants, and self-administering a dangerous drug.