29歳のアレキサンダー・フレミングは 叔母であるフアナイタ・ダラスを クイーンズで口論中に 掃き器で殺した 29-year-old Alexander Fleming allegedly killed his aunt, Juanita Dallas, with a broom in Queens during an argument.
29歳のアレクサンダー・フレミングは、クイーンズで55歳の叔母、フアニータ・ダラスを自宅で口論中にほうきで殴り殺したとされています。 29-year-old Alexander Fleming allegedly killed his 55-year-old aunt, Juanita Dallas, in Queens, by beating her to death with a broom during an argument at her home. 事件は南ジャマイカの108番街近くの164丁目で発生し、フレミングは殺人、堕落した無関心、暴行、武器所持の罪で逮捕・起訴された。 The incident occurred on 164th St. near 108th Ave. in South Jamaica, and Fleming was arrested and charged with murder depraved indifference, assault, and weapon possession. クイーンズ刑事裁判所で 起訴が待たされていた His arraignment was pending in Queens Criminal Court.