2歳の男の子が ヴァージニアで母親のボーイフレンドを 撃ち殺し 致命傷を負わせた 2-year-old accidentally shoots mother's boyfriend in Virginia, critically wounding him.
2歳の子供が 偶然に母親のボーイフレンドを撃ち 致命傷を負わせた 2-year-old child in Virginia accidentally shoots mother's boyfriend, critically wounding him. 事件はチェスターフィールド郡で発生し、男が家を出る前に椅子に銃器を置き、幼児が誤って武器を発射しました。 The incident occurred in Chesterfield County when the man placed a firearm on a chair before leaving the house, and the toddler accidentally discharged the weapon. 子供に怪我はなく、被害者の容態は病院で重篤なままです。 The child was uninjured, and the victim's condition remains critical at a hospital. 名前は公表されていません No names have been released by authorities.