15人の教師とARTUZの社長が 公衆の暴力の促進と平和の破綻の罪で無罪とされました 15 teachers and ARTUZ President acquitted of promotion of public violence and breaches of peace.
ARTUZのオーベルト・マサラウレ会長と15人の教師は,1月に違法な集会で逮捕され,ハラレの裁判官によって無罪とされました. ARTUZ President Obert Masaraure and 15 teachers, arrested in January for an alleged unlawful gathering, were acquitted by a Harare magistrate. 公共の暴力や平和の破綻や偏見を 奨励した罪で 弁護団は 検察が 証拠を 提示できていないと 訴えた Facing charges of promoting public violence, breaches of peace or bigotry, defense lawyers successfully argued that prosecutors failed to prove their case. 教師は歌いながら石と武器を手に持っていたと非難されたが,裁判官は免責の申請を後に無罪としました. Teachers were accused of having stones and weapons while singing and holding placards, but the magistrate acquitted them following a discharge application.