13人の抗議者が逮捕され 民主党全国大会の開会日に 警察と衝突 13 protesters arrested, clashes with police on Democratic National Convention's inaugural day in Chicago.
民主党全国大会の開会日に 13人の抗議者が逮捕されました 13 protesters were arrested during the inaugural day of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. 公園で抗議者と警察との衝突が起き, 警備の強化や, 追加フェンスなどの措置が講じられた. Clashes occurred between protesters and law enforcement at a park, resulting in increased security measures such as additional fences. 大会 の 第 一 日 に は,デモ 隊 と 警察 の 間 の 緊張 が 激しく,逮捕 に 達し まし た. The convention's first day saw heightened tensions between demonstrators and police, culminating in the arrests.