7ヘクタールの大麻農場が破壊され,3人が逮捕され,1人がKogi NDLEAの作戦で逃走しました. 7 hectares of hemp farms destroyed, 3 arrested, 1 escaped in Kogi NDLEA operation.
ナイジェリアのNDLEAのKogi州司令部は7ヘクタールの大麻農場を破壊し,3人を逮捕し,Kogiで逃走した容疑者を追跡しています. The Kogi State Command of Nigeria's NDLEA destroyed 7 hectares of hemp farms, arrested three individuals, and are tracking down an escaped suspect in Kogi. 州全体で薬物乱用と密輸を撲滅する目的で,イケジャの森とメイケケ村で作戦が行われました. Operations took place in Ikeja Forest and Maikeke Village, with the aim to combat drug abuse and trafficking throughout the state. 麻薬の違法な消費と取引と戦うために 市民の協力を求める The agency is urging public collaboration in their efforts to fight against illicit drug consumption and trafficking.