バクー市執行役員会議では,大規模な修理,景観整備,緑化工事の取り組みの加速と進捗状況を監視しました. Baku City Executive Authority meeting addressed major repairs, landscaping, and greening works, expediting efforts and monitoring progress.
バクウ市執行庁 (BŞİH) の会合では,バクウの大規模修理,景観整備,緑化工事の議論が盛り込まれ,イルハム・アリエフ大統領の政策に進展がもたらされたと説明された. A meeting at Baku City Executive Authority (BŞİH) included discussions on major repairs, landscaping, and greening works in Baku, attributing progress to President Ilham Aliyev's policies. 最近の改善は ビナガディとヤサマル地区で観察されました Recent improvements were observed in Binagadi and Yasamal districts. 参加者は工事を加速し 違法な建設を止めるよう指示を受けました Participants received instructions to accelerate works and address illegal constructions. BŞİHの監視グループは作業を監督し,結果は1ヶ月後に再び議論されます. The BŞİH monitoring group will oversee the work, with results to be discussed again in a month.