22のオークランド校が 危険な鉛濃度を発見し 州と連邦の制限を超えました 22 Oakland schools discover unsafe lead levels in water, exceeding state and federal limits.
オークランド統一学区 (OUSD) の22の学校では,水中の鉛の安全レベルが不十分であることが判明し,州の水道設備の6%以上が州制限を超えていることが判明しました. 22 schools in Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) have been found to have unsafe levels of lead in their water, with over 6% of the district's water fixtures testing above the state limit. 鉛濃度がOUSDの厳格な制限と連邦の100万分の15の制限より高いことが判明しました. Lead levels were found to be higher than the OUSD's stricter limit and the federal limit of 15 parts per million. 地区は春に問題を発見したが 今月になって 教師と親に知らせた. The district discovered the issue in spring but informed teachers and parents only this month. 修復プロセスは3週間かかる予定だ The remediation process is expected to take three weeks.