9月27日に日本の政権政党が新党首を選出し,おそらく次の首相を任命する. Japan's ruling party to select new party leader on Sept 27, likely next Prime Minister.
日本の政権政党は,9月27日に新しい党首を選出する予定で,その党首は現首相の後継で,次の党首となる可能性が高い. Japan's ruling party plans to select a new party leader on September 27, who will likely succeed the current Prime Minister as the country's next leader. 政治的状況の評価と 内部議論の後に決定した The decision comes after internal discussions and evaluations of the political landscape. 新首相は国内問題と 外交政策の問題を 扱います The new Prime Minister will address ongoing domestic challenges and foreign policy matters.